Dealing with Grief  
Special offer - $99
Includes 1 video in 1 module

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Dealing with Grief

Grief is the process of bereavement over something we have lost like a loved one, a business deal, money, or health. This grief process can vary in length, either for a short time or even for more than 25 years. But a prolonged grief process can have serious affects on our health. We can prevent these aging affects and health consequences, by balancing our perceptions of this perceived loss.

Dr John Demartini explains in “Dealing with Grief” how the masses live in a world of gains and losses, but a master is one who sees that nothing in life is ever lost, it only changes form.

Dr Demartini shares his cutting edge methodology in this module, to help you balance your perceptions and to see how this perceived loss has transformed to a new form. The Demartini Method on Grief helps you to bring back poise, presence and certainty into your life.

Duration: 72 minutes

Dealing with Grief

1 sessions — If you have experienced the loss of a loved one, a business, money or anything else, then this course will help you to solve the grief over this perceived loss. Dr John Demartini shares his cutting edge methodology on solving grief and how to bring back poise, presence and certainty into your life.

Dealing with Grief

Get the Demartini Experience through 1 video in 1 module

Special offer - $99

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