3 sessions — This module consists of 2 education presentations by Dr John Demartini. The first, an hour presentation, is on the understanding and application of Values as it relates to empowering and inspiring all areas of your life. The second is where Dr Demartini takes you through the 13 steps to determine your highest values. So many people spend their lives thinking that they are less than perfect; they subordinate to other people’s ideas of what they ‘have to’, or ‘should be’ doing with their lives. The truth of your life is that who you are, right now, is the key to what it is that you most love doing; and emulating anyone else’s ideas of ‘who you should be’ is the most futile exercise you can do. Knowing your Values is the key to appreciating yourself, setting goals that you are definitely going to achieve and raising your self-worth and self-esteem. It is the key to building wealth, building relationships, feeling inspired and looking in the mirror every day and feeling grateful for the person who looks back at you and the life you get to lead.