Appreciating and Understanding Your Teen  
Special offer - $149
Includes 6 videos in 6 modules

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Appreciating and Understanding Your Teen

Are you a parent of a teenager?

If you are, you may find yourself wondering about their ever-changing moods and behaviors. 

Perhaps you’d love to make sense of what they’re going through and understand why you’re seeing these changes in your teen.

Perhaps you’d love to know how to support your teen and help them navigate the many challenges they may be facing in school, at home, or with their peers.

Perhaps you’d love to deepen your relationship and connection with your teen.

Whatever you or your teen are experiencing, we’d love you to participate in our brand new online module presented by Master Demartini Method Facilitator, Lisa Dion.

You’ll be learning:

  • What's going on inside of your teenager's brain because there are changes that are happening.
  • ​How to enhance communication with your teenager. How you can communicate in a way that encourages your teen to want to connect and open up and engage in relationship with you.
  • How to support your teenager in figuring out who they actually are instead of who they think that they should be.
  • What you as a parent can start to do right now to help you be able to open your heart a bit more fully towards your teenager.

The 4 modules of this online course address:

  • Understanding your teenager’s brain
  • Valuing the teen’s authenticity
  • Enhancing communication and connection
  • Parent reflections

Purchase the online PARENT’S GUIDE to Understanding and Appreciating Your Teen, and get ready to learn information that will be eye-opening, empowering, transformative and profound.

Your purchase includes a course workbook with practical exercises you can use to implement these teachings immediately.



1 sessions — A Welcome and Short Introduction

Module 1

1 sessions — ​Understanding Your Teenager’s Brain

Module 2

1 sessions — Valuing Your Teen’s Authenticity

Module 3

1 sessions — Enhancing Communication and Connection

Module 4

1 sessions — ​Parent Reflections


1 sessions — A Closing Statement From Lisa Dion

Appreciating and Understanding Your Teen

Get the Demartini Experience through 6 videos in 6 modules

Special offer - $149

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