The Power of Your Mind to Live Purposefully (Part 2)

DR JOHN DEMARTINI   -   Updated 3 years ago

Dr John Demartini discusses how taking control of your perceptions is key if you would love to overcome your perceived challenges, and achieve the financial and physical health and wellbeing you intend.

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DR JOHN DEMARTINI - Updated 3 years ago

In Part 2 of  The Power of Your Mind to Live Purposefully, I’d like to build on some of the key points I addressed in  Part 1. In essence, I will focus on how you can use the power of your mind to control your perceptions, decisions, and actions so you can:

  • Overcome perceived challenges;
  • Discover and clarify your unique mission and purpose;
  • Balance your perceptions and emotions thus bringing balance to your physiology; and
  • Create the financial wealth and empowerment that you desire.


Transforming your perceived challenges


In the  Breakthrough Experience, my signature program that I run almost every week, I teach people a powerful technique called the Demartini Method – a series of questions to help you balance the mathematical equations involving your perceptions. In doing so, you can transform your perception of an event by asking quality questions to bring balance to your awareness.

As I mentioned in  Part 1, you have complete control of only three things in your life: your perceptions, decisions, and actions.

Click below for the video of this article.




Taking accountability for your perceptions is a powerful step towards mastering and actively running or directing your life, instead of allowing your life and emotions to run you.

As an example of how the Demartini Method works, one of the questions you will learn to ask yourself is, “How specifically has this so-called ‘negative’ event or experience  helped or  served me in the most important areas of my life?”

Suppose you have labeled a past event in your life as being “traumatic”. In doing so, you're likely to be conscious of the downsides and unconscious of any upsides that may have transpired as a result. In that way, you will tend to unconsciously choose to hold on to and run a story about how this event happened to  you, how someone did this  to you, how ‘terrible’ it was and how they are to blame, while also looking for an external person to rescue or save you.

However, when you bring your mathematical equation of perception into balance by asking yourself quality questions, you can move into the executive center of your brain where you are more objective and self-governed so you can bring balance to your mind and physiology.

It’s in this area of your forebrain that you open up your foresight, are more likely to clarify your vision and mission in life, and develop the ability to see strategically how to achieve it.

When your perceptions are imbalanced and you are ungoverned, however, you activate the amygdala and your hindbrain and are likely to become emotional and reactive to the outer world.

You are also more likely to be more volatile and irrational, while also perceiving that you are at the mercy of outer circumstances. In this ungoverned state, you are less likely to neutralize and balance your emotions nor are you in your position of greatest strength in order to overcome challenges.

When you learn the art of governing your mind, you can begin the process of mastering your life. It is wise to begin this process by taking control of your perceptions.


Discovering and clarifying your purpose


If you look very carefully, your life already demonstrates your purpose. You don’t need to look very far to find it.

Every single day, you spontaneously do things that no-one needs to remind you to do.

Think of a child who loves online gaming, as an example. He is not likely to need reminders or motivation to do it and will instead jump online and begin gaming every chance he can get.

On the other hand, he may not feel inspired to do his homework, read a book, or take part in a particular sporting activity, he may then procrastinate, hesitate and frustrate while finding every excuse not to do it. In other words, his life already demonstrates his higher values or priorities.

The same applies to your own life. In other words, your life already demonstrates what is intrinsically important to you, even though you may not think so right now because your perceptions have become imbalanced and clouded.

In the Breakthrough Experience, I often meet people who are adamant they don’t have a purpose or something they spontaneously love to do each day. I can think of one woman who was very vocal about the fact that she had no idea about her purpose or mission in life, and that she felt uncertain and lost.

She was quite stunned when I told her that she was unlikely to master her life if she continued to run a story in her head about how she was “lost” and “without purpose”.

I asked her again what she did every single day that nobody had to remind her to do and that she spontaneously loved to do. After a short silence, she explained that all she could think of was that she loved raising and spending time with her children.

I explained to her that her life already demonstrated that raising her family was her highest value and purpose in life at that particular point.

After further discussion, she realized that her challenge in finding her purpose had been the result of comparing herself to women in the corporate world who she perceived as being more successful than herself. In doing so, she had tried to inject their highest values and purpose into her own life.

I also pointed out to her that while she had been talking to me about how lost she felt, her sentences had been filled with words such as, “But I thought I  should”, “I felt I  ought to”, and “I thought I  needed to” – words that are clear indicators that she was injecting external values from others instead of paying attention to her own highest and more intrinsic values. As a result, she had clouded the clarity of her own vision and purpose (see what your internal dialogue reveals).

At the end of our conversation, she then asked me if raising a family was a “good enough” calling or purpose in life.

I explained to her that there are seven areas of life: spiritual, mental, career, financial, family, social and physical, all of which are equally valuable on this planet; and that instead of comparing herself to others, she would be wise to compare her own daily actions to her own vision.

It's a conversation that I have with hundreds of other people over the years and maybe something that resonates with you if you would love to discover and clarify your own purpose in life.




You disempower and confuse yourself when you compare yourself to others and try to live in their values.

It is wiser to look at what your life already demonstrates as being your highest values or priorities by looking at:

  • What you fill your personal space with most every day
  • What you spend most of your time on every day.
  • What energizes you most every day.
  • What you spend your money on most.
  • Areas where you are most organized or disciplined.
  • What you think about, visualize, and affirm every day about how you want your life to be that already shows evidence of coming true.
  • What you love to talk about the most.
  • What inspires you and brings inspired tears to your eyes.

Questions such as these, together with a few more that you will find in the FREE Value Determination Process on my website, will help you determine your highest values, priorities and purpose in life.

In other words, to find your purpose, you’ll be wise to look within. Your purpose is inherent and clarifying what's highest on your values is the key.


Balancing your perceptions to balance your physiology


Illness is not necessarily your enemy. It can act as a powerful feedback mechanism to guide you back into balance and authenticity.

When you display symptoms of illness or dis-ease, it is wise to ask quality questions instead of seeing illness as something caused by the outside and therefore requiring a solution on the outside.

If you can balance out your perceptions, you can balance out your physiology.

Your sympathetic and parasympathetic nervous systems are epigenetically altering not only your immune function, but also your entire physiology. These create symptoms to give you feedback to let you know that you’re likely not:

  • Being authentic, balanced, and objective,
  • Living congruently with your highest values and priorities,
  • Living by your mission and purpose, which is where you have the greatest resilience, adaptability, and power to bring wellness to your body.

In the Breakthrough Experience, I have seen thousands of people have health recoveries or transformations because they rebalanced their imbalanced emotional baggage and thereby clearing out their minds during the program.

I've had one doctor send 400 patients, and another send 375 psychiatric patients to the Breakthrough Experience because they have seen the results their previous patients have had during this two-day program.

It all comes down to paying attention and listening to the feedback that your physiology is giving you. Suppose you overeat and overdrink one evening, you’re likely to wake up feeling nauseous, bloated and with a monster headache. Instead of continuing that same behavior and taking pills to suppress the symptoms, you would likely choose not to indulge again any time soon. In other words, you’ll tend to use the symptoms as feedback to change your perceptions and behavior.

The same applies to other symptoms your physiology is trying to tell you – to spend your days doing something meaningful to you, to live by priority and run your day instead of letting your day run you – instead of taking a pill to get rid of those symptoms.

Your symptoms can also be seen as your friends, not your enemies, but they've been misinterpreted by a pharmaceutically run model that encourages you to look for a magic pill instead of being accountable and using the power of your mind to live purposefully, intentionally, and my priority.

There's no reason why pharmaceuticals need to be an essential component of your existence. Your symptoms could simply be letting you know you are not living by priority and not balanced in your perceptions.

I'm not saying that there's not a place for medicinal healthcare. There is, such as in emergency or some degenerative cases. Instead, it is wise to take back and claim your power when it comes to your physiology by studying, learning and asking quality questions.

You can harness the power of your mind to transform your perceptions about your symptoms, make different decisions and choose wiser courses of action than popping a pill for every ill.


Using the power of your mind to create wealth


When you live by your highest values, your self-worth goes up. When you live by your lower values, your self-worth goes down. If you live by your highest values, you're likely to be more objective, and objective people tend to manage money more wisely. They think in advance of the repercussions of immediate gratification and consumerism that buying depreciable items does to individual economics.

I spoke earlier of the amygdala and your hindbrain that results in emotional, irrational, reactive, impulsive and ungoverned behavior. I’m sure you can remember a time when you bought something for instant gratification and not because it was a wise investment. You may even have paid with your credit card to avoid the pain of seeing money going out your bank account when all you wanted to feel was the pleasure of your purchase.

When operating out of the executive center of your forebrain and living by priority, you are less likely to feel the need for instant gratification, Instead, you’ll tend to be objective, think before you act, and be more disciplined with your money, which will then impact your financial wellbeing.

If you would love to create financial health and wellbeing, it is wise to:

  • Learn that wealth begins in the mind.
  • Buy assets so your money can work for you instead of you always needing to work for your money.
  • Avoid raising your lifestyle until you raise your savings/investments
  • Develop a value on wealth building or it may never happen.

I often tell people to look in the cupboards and garage to notice where their hard-earned income has been spent. In most cases, their houses and garages are filled with depreciating contents while they work themselves to the bone trying to create wealth.

Instead, it is wise to live congruently with your highest values, mastering your mind so you can have governance of your finances instead of being a slave to money. If you are unfulfilled you may try to compensate by filling up your gut and house with immediate gratifying stuff.

In that way, you are more likely to be able to buy assets, have your lifestyle improve every single year because your assets are growing faster than inflation and faster than what you're consuming. And, in the process of doing that, you can master life. You'd be surprised at how many celebrities made millions of dollars and are bankrupt today because they didn't learn that lesson.

It doesn't matter how much you make. What matters is how you manage what you make, which is dictated by the hierarchy of your  values. What also matters is how much you value yourself:

  • If you don’t value yourself, you can’t expect the world to value you.
  • If you don’t invest in yourself, you can’t expect the world to invest in you.

Learning to master your money management and your mind are inseparable because people who can't master their emotions will seldom manage money wisely.


In conclusion


You have complete control of only three things in your life: your perceptions, decisions, and actions.

Taking accountability for your perceptions is a powerful step towards mastering and running your life, instead of allowing your life and emotions to run you.

The quality of your life depends on the quality of questions you ask yourself.

When you ask yourself quality and empowering questions such as those presented in the Demartini Method that I teach during the  Breakthrough Experience, you can reveal the unconscious and balance out your perceptions,

In doing so, you can transform your resulting decisions and actions, thereby transforming and mastering your life.

The Demartini Method is a breakthrough discovery and cutting-edge personal transformation methodology that results in a new perspective and paradigm in thinking and feeling and which helps awaken your authenticity and mastery. 

It is the key methodology incorporated in Demartinian Psychology. The Demartini Method consists of Executive Function Development exercises used strategically to drive the evolution of the brain - from subcortical dominance to prefrontal cortex or executive center dominance. 

It is the culmination of more than five decades of research and studies in numerous disciplines, including physics, philosophy, theology, metaphysics, psychology, astronomy, mathematics, neurology, and physiology. It’s a cognitive process that involves balancing your mathematical equations of perceptions through a continuous thinking and writing action, driving you from your more primitive survival brain (systems 1) dominance to your more advanced thrival self-governing (systems 2) brain dominance.

The Demartini Method results in greater self-governing executive function and thus life mastery.

It is a powerful transformation process used by many leading specialists in the mind mastery field such as psychology, psychiatry, coaching, mentoring, teaching, and holistic healing.

If you’d love to find out more, click here. You can also chat with a member of the Demartini team by booking a call here.


Are you ready for the NEXT STEP?

If you’re seriously committed to your own growth, if you’re ready to make a change now and you’d love some help doing so, then book a FREE Discovery call with a member of the Demartini Team so we can take you through your mini power assessment session.

You’ll come away with a 3-step action plan and the foundation to empower your life.


Book Your TICKET for Dr Demartini's Breakthrough Experience

If you’re ready to go inwards and do the work that will clear your blockages, clarify your vision and balance your mind, then you’ve found the perfect place to start with Dr Demartini at the Breakthrough Experience.

In 2 days you’ll learn how to solve any issue you are facing, transform any emotion and reset the course of your life for greater achievement and fulfillment.

You’ll unlock your true potential and lay the groundwork to empower all 7 areas of your life.

Get ready to take your life to a whole new level of meaning and purpose.

Today is the day you step into your power and value yourself by investing in your inspired life when you sign up for Dr Demartini’s signature seminar the Breakthrough Experience:

Click HERE to book your TICKET on the Breakthrough Experience

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The Demartini Institute has offices in Houston Texas USA and in Fourways South Africa as well as representatives in Australia and New Zealand. The Demartini Institute partners with hosts in the UK, France, Italy and Ireland. For more information or to host Dr Demartini contact the office in SA or USA.

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