DR JOHN DEMARTINI - Updated 2 months ago
Throughout your life, you may remember moments when you watched an amazing theatrical performance, listened to a particular song or piece of music, or read something so moving that it brought you to tears. You may have assumed that you were just overwhelmed with emotion, but you were actually experiencing a moment of inspiration and authenticity where you expressed what some have termed an open heart.
When people are truly authentic and really being themselves, there’s a special transcendent state that occurs in which they’ll tend to feel grateful, loved, inspired, enthusiastic, present, and certain. This teary eyed physiological experience confirms that you are in an authentic and inspired state.
When someone is performing on stage and they’re in such a transcendent and authentic state, the entire room tends to join them in that feeling. There may even be tears of gratitude as the whole audience enters that same authentic state. It's a synchronicity and spillover effect.
It may interest you to know that research has shown that when an individual enters an open-hearted and authentic state, their brain achieves a ventromedial prefrontal cortex initiated gamma synchronicity, which often extends to and synchronizes with the brains of their audience!
Let’s take a step back and look at why this phenomenon occurs.
Inside your brain, you have a higher cortical level of function that deals with THRIVING, and a lower subcortical area involved in SURVIVING.
- The thriving area is primarily the prefrontal cortex or forebrain, also referred to as the executive center.
- The survival center, which is the inner lower subcortical level of the brain, in the limbic system and includes the amygdala.
You are likely to fluctuate between these two brain functions throughout your life. At times, you may be centered and think without reacting – this is when you’re using your executive center. At other times, you may not be centered and instead be polarized, emotional, and react before you think – this is when you’re using your subcortical brain.
Anytime you perceive an event or situation as being highly positive or highly negative - where you're conscious of the upsides and unconscious of the downsides, or conscious of the downsides and unconscious of the upsides – your amygdala or survival center is activated and “lights up”.
One of the amygdala’s functions is to process and filter incoming information filled stimuli, assigning each one with an emotional charge or valency. In other words, because it is designed for survival, it quickly activates either a rest and digest or fight or flight response by categorizing each experience as being either "prey" (positive, something to pursue so you don’t starve to death) or "predator" (negative, something to avoid so you don’t get eaten).
In assigning either a positive or negative valency, it creates a polarized judgment. The upside is that this polarization helps to trigger the appropriate survival response - producing enough adrenaline to either chase down prey or escape from a predator. The downside is that it results from imbalanced ratios of perception that are not in most daily settings the wisest way to live outside of the wild.
Here’s why:
These imbalanced perceptions can result in you either exaggerating the positive of others (prey) and minimizing yourself (shame) or exaggerating yourself (pride) and minimizing the positives of others (predator).
- Anytime you put someone on a pedestal, infatuate with them, and see them as "prey", you tend to minimize yourself as a result. In doing so, you’re being inauthentic (and likely to experience imposter syndrome).
- Anytime you put someone in a pit and look down on them, you tend to exaggerate yourself and puff yourself up with pride.. In this state, you are also being inauthentic.
When you judge others as being above or below you, and you disown the parts you perceive in them within yourself you minimize or exaggerate yourself. In other words, you are too humble or too proud to admit what you see in them is also in you, thereby disowning those traits. This is something known as deflective awareness where you are no longer being authentic and instead in a cycle of beating yourself down or puffing yourself up – a cycle of shame or pride.
You want to be loved for who you truly are, but if you’re too proud or too ashamed to be who you truly are, you’re unlikely to feel loved. That’s why, when you get to experience tears of inspiration and tears of love, it’s a confirmation of a moment of authenticity, where you are neither minimizing or exaggerating yourself.
It’s powerful feedback to let you know that you’re being authentic.
I have shared the neurological response to being inauthentic, but there’s also a simultaneous PHYSIOLOGICAL response when your perceptions of yourself, others or events are imbalanced.
- When you perceive something as "prey”, and have an impulse to seek it, you activate your parasympathetic nervous system, and a "rest and digest" response. This allows you time for rest and rejuvenation and moves you at night towards a low-frequency delta wavelength of around 3 cycles per second upon sleeping.
- When faced with a challenge or “predator” on the other hand, you activate your sympathetic nervous system and trigger a fight-or-flight response, which sends you into a daytime beta wave (around 13 cycles per second). In other words, a bit higher-frequency state of readiness and action so you can respond to immediate perceived threats of challenges.
- When you see BOTH sides of a situation simultaneously (equal positive to negative) and balance your ratios of perception, these brain wave cycles come together into a perfectly balanced 7-8 cycles per second, right at the junction of alpha and theta waves. In this mid-frequency range, you tend to be calm, focused and balanced - no longer judging or separating yourself with pride or shame but instead achieving authenticity and clarity.
- This is where those “eureka moments” happen – and secondary gamma waves (40 cycles per second) occur in the brain - where the brain lights up and creates a synchronized experience where you feel truly connected to yourself and the world around you. All because of a moment of authenticity.
In these authentic states and eureka moments, this is when you are most likely to experience tears of gratitude because your autonomic nervous system is balanced. This is also accompanied by an intracardiac network activation of your heart - an open heart feeling where you can literally feel your heart opening.
You’ll also feel love, gratitude, inspiration, enthusiasm, certainty, and presence, which I call transcendental feelings. They’re not polarized feelings or emotions which are drastically imbalanced, but they’re now perfectly balanced. In that moment, your heart opens up and you’re authentic and receive the physiological confirmation of that authenticity.
Throughout your life, whenever you’ve experienced these moments where you’ve had tears of inspiration, you’ve probably felt that they were meaningful and worth listening to. You just may not be conscious of how these moments have been guiding you. But, these moments are significant and reveal insights to what’s most important to you, your highest value, your telos, or end in mind.
What’s inspiring is to know that there’s a reproducible method to recreating these moments of synchronicity - a method on how you can balance the mathematical equation of your perceptions and be authentic, instead of judging others and being an imposter. As such, you get to truly love others and yourself.
When you achieve gamma synchronicity, you influence people around you. When you are authentic you influence others and leave a greater mark and a legacy.
Everybody wants to be loved and appreciated for who they are. In a moment of authenticity, you're demonstrating it, and there's respect and honor for people who demonstrate that. That's why when you see someone performing, writing or painting in that state, it leaves its mark and people are drawn to their museums, art galleries, performances.
We are drawn to people who demonstrate authenticity – and in this perfectly balanced alpha-theta junction, gamma synchronous state, where the executive center fires off, there is a synchronicity in the brain. In this authentic state, there is intracardiac freedom, an open heart, and our autonomic nervous system is perfectly balanced.
You also become more resilient, adaptable, and able to bring healing to yourself and others. This is the power of authenticity - it is magnetic and draws you to people, places, things, ideas, and events in your life that synchronize with your dominant thought at that moment. Your intention becomes manifested because you’re being authentic. It shows up as tears of gratitude, love, inspiration, enthusiasm, certainty, and presence. It has a massive influence on everyone around it and automatically serves as a confirmation of your authentic and magnificent self.
Every moment you embrace this authenticity, you leave a mark, an influence, and a legacy in the world.
To Sum Up:
When people are truly authentic and truly being themselves, there’s a special transcendent state that occurs in which they’ll tend to feel grateful, loved, inspired, enthusiastic, present, and certain.
Research has shown that when an individual enters an open-hearted and authentic state, their brain achieves synchronicity, which often extends to and synchronizes with the brains of their audience!
When you see BOTH sides of a situation simultaneously and balance your ratios of perception, these brain wave rhythms come together into a perfectly balanced 7-8 cycles per second, right at the junction of alpha and theta waves – which initiate secondary gamma synchronicities."
In these authentic states and eureka moments, this is when you are most likely to experience tears of gratitude because your autonomic nervous system is balanced. This is also referred to as the intracardiac network activation of the heart - an open heart feeling where you can literally feel your heart opening.
When you achieve gamma synchronicity, you influence people around you. It’s impossible to be authentic without influencing others and leaving a mark and a legacy. ... In a moment of authenticity, you're demonstrating it, and there's respect and honor for people who demonstrate that.
When your heart is open, you are resilient, adaptable, and able to bring healing to yourself and others. This is the power of authenticity - it is magnetic and draws you to people, places, things, ideas, and events in your life that synchronize with your dominant thought at that moment.
Where to From Here:
In the Breakthrough Experience program, I teach the science behind this process of balancing your perceptions, synchronizing your brain, and opening your heart.
By awakening your authentic self and overriding your amygdala's survival response with your executive function, you increase the probability of achievement, increase the probability of influencing others, wake up your leadership, and expand your space and time horizon. By doing so, you open your heart and your life to synchronistic events that help you manifest your intentions.
I would love to have you join me so you discover the true power of authenticity and the resulting effects in every area of your life!
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