It’s All Spiritual

DR JOHN DEMARTINI   -   Updated 1 month ago

Dr John Demartini explains why he defines spirituality as an expression of what inspires you as an individual according to your highest values.


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DR JOHN DEMARTINI - Updated 1 month ago

Since the age of 17, I had been inspired to master all seven areas of my life - spiritual, mental, career, financial, family, social and physical, but I only really began to dig deeper into spirituality, comparative religion and philosophy in my early twenties. It was then that I became fascinated by comparative religion and philosophy. 

My first step was to explore every encyclopedia of religions I could find, and make a list of every form of religion, cult, or group with a specific religious understanding that professed to have 50,000 followers or more. 

I read as much as I could get my hands on, visited a variety of synagogues, mosques, temples, and churches, and met with yogis, mystics, Buddhists and more, all so I could document as many common threads and differences as I could.

Eventually, having explored around 3000 different religions, I came to a conclusion that may be quite shocking to some people:  

It’s all spiritual.

I also realized that, in many cases, spirituality is associated with the deification of an animal (zoomorphic), a human (anthropomorphic), a planet (geomorphic) or a star (astromorphic). In fact, if you study the evolution of the gods, you'll see that they are mostly personifications of some forces or bodies of nature, such as the rain, thunder, lightning, the sun or moon, or even animals that were attacking or saving human beings at that time.

I also discovered that if you go and look at the entire evolution from animistic and shamanistic to the mystic to metaphysics and philosophy, and eventually into science and mathematics, you could simultaneously see a reflection of the evolution of the human brain developing. 

All of it has been part of a spiritual quest of human beings throughout the ages - from personifying or deifying the earth, stones, stelas, huacas, plants, animals and humans.

They’ve all been worshiped and appreciated, with some older systems becoming extinct along the way and many deities or gods that used to be worshiped no longer being mentioned.

It was then that I realized that spirituality is an expression of the developing human brain.

I also realized that spirituality may or may not be associated with or limited to any particular religion, deity or set of deities. It was much broader.

I started looking at how the AMYGDALA in the subcortical areas of the brain, and the EXECUTIVE CENTER otherwise known as the prefrontal cortex of the brain are involved in different religious understandings.

I also spent time researching transmitters and regulators and different regions of the brain that, when you magnetically stimulate them in the cortex, you can create religious experiences. 

After 50 years of years of research, I came to define spirituality as that which inspires the individual. 

Some people are inspired by raising a beautiful family and children, that is their spiritual path. Others are inspired to run a successful business, that is their spiritual path. Others are inspired by intellectual pursuits, and that is their spiritual path.

Then there are those who describe themselves as being religiously spiritual, and who most often express their spirituality within organized religious ideas. That is their spiritual path. Others are inspired by wealth and go on to create massive companies and build fortunes. That too, is spiritual. 


I remember chatting to a lady who asked for my input on how she could better navigate being in a relationship with her husband who she perceived as not being spiritual when compared with herself.

After digging a little deeper, I uncovered that while she meditated, chanted and read spiritual books, he was dedicated to his global IT company and its 200 employees. 

I questioned her further on why she believed him not to be a spiritual man when he was inspired by what he did, created jobs that supported 200 families, and routinely paid his taxes.

She responded that she believed those to be material things and not what she regarded as being spiritual. 

She also mentioned that she did, however, appreciate how he supported her financially so that she could dedicate her time completely to her form of non-economically viable spiritual pursuits.

This woman, like many other individuals, had bought into the idea that spirituality was something that fit neatly into a particular box, instead of seeing more fully how her husband, who was inspired by his work and who made a difference in the world, was just as spiritual as anyone else.

Every human being on this planet has a unique set of values that results in them being spontaneously inspired from within to pursue what is truly most important and meaningful to them. 

For example, I'm inspired by teaching, researching and writing. I wake up each morning inspired to research, write, travel and teach, while other people may feel inspired to spend time with their family, work out at the gym, or pursue an entrepreneurial endeavor.

In my mind, my spiritual path is researching and understanding human behavior, and going out and sharing whatever it is that helps maximize human beings. That inspires me. That's my spiritual path. 

That being said, it is no more or no less spiritual than your particular spiritual path and what inspires you. 

History is filled with human beings creating anthropomorphic deities and personifying nature as a way for them to try to understand their lives and meaning, and their relationship to the cosmos. In fact, many of the religious models, systems, or traditions that have existed through time were just stages of awareness and brain development. 

It is wiser to avoid becoming stagnant in the beliefs of the past, and instead to keep evolving, growing, understanding, living congruently with what you value most if you would love to awaken you own form of your spirituality. 


And it's all spiritual. As John Milton once said, “The mind is its own place, it can make heaven out of hell or hell out of heaven.” 

Some people may look at my life and perceive that it’s hell because they are projecting their highest value, perhaps time with family, onto me. 

My travel and teaching schedule results in my spending less time with my family than they do, which can be perceived as being hell, or wrong, in their mind. They may also perceive that I’m not spiritual.

For me, on the other hand, living congruently with my highest values and helping human beings around the world transform their lives is meaningful and heavenly. It’s all spiritual.

I have yet to find a universally accepted value system - there's no right value system out there. Instead, each individual tends to think that theirs is right, while also giving power to a book, leader or authority. These are all artificial. 

I think human beings are wiser to dig deeper and have a more broad overview in which you no longer perceive things as being positive or negative or right and wrong, thereby becoming trapped in fundamental, non-resilient and intolerant states of mind.

If you choose not to look for or see the whole, you’re likely being exclusive instead of inclusive. 

As such, you’re less likely to maximize your potential, and inspire and exemplify an authentic path of inspiration to other people.

Einstein wrote about the greatest teacher being exemplification. To exemplify a spiritual path is to do what you really love in a way that equally serves others. And when you're doing something you're really inspired by, love, and can’t wait to do, and that contributes, you're most likely to be grateful for your life. 

Pope John Paul said, gratitude is heaven and ingratitude is hell. Think about your own life and you will likely find that where you’re grateful, your life is heaven. However, when you’re ungrateful, you’re likely to perceive that your life is hell.

I teach a program called The Breakthrough Experience and in there, I've developed a scientifically duplicatable process or methodology called the Demartini Method

I've had people attend the 2-day seminar emotionally carrying the weight of what they perceived to be a tragedy or traumatic event in their life, only to work through the Demartini Method to balance the event in their mind so they no longer perceive it as being hell.

I often say that all events are neutral until somebody comes along with a subjective bias and makes a heaven or a hell out of it. 

This can be incredibly challenging for someone to hear when they have run a story for years about how their mother was never there for them or how their partner left them for someone else. 

My first question, “So, what was the benefit?” often throws them because they have been so black and white in their thinking that it just did not occur to them that there may be an equal amount of upsides.

Once they do the work and go through the Demartini Method, they tend to be more able to understand how, while they were conscious of the downsides, they were unconscious of the upsides. As such, they weren’t fully conscious because they weren’t conscious of both sides – the upsides and the downsides, positives and negatives, losses and gains.


I try to help people realize that no matter what goes on in your life, if you see both sides of it, you can center yourself, come to a state of gratitude, be objective, resilient and neutral, and be back in your flow. 

It has little or nothing to do with what's out there and everything to do with your perceptions, decisions and actions, which you have control over. 

You have control over your sensory neurons, interneurons and motor neurons. You can take whatever's happened and make a heaven or hell out of it when in fact, it’s neither. 

It’s just what you choose to see.

If you see that there's nothing but a balanced state of love, then you are more effectively able to realize that it's all meaningful and even an essential part of your spiritual journey. 

I teach people in the Breakthrough Experience that there's nothing but love, all else is illusion. 

At first, many people struggle to understand it, because they perceive love as an infatuation and hate as its opposite. However, in my definition, love is a synthesis and synchronicity of all possible complementary opposites at any scale of existence. 

When you realize that they always come together as a pair, as Heraclitus, Parmenides and Hegel described, you realize that there is nothing but love and that's why it's all inspirational. 

As such, you can take an event you at first thought was terrible and within hours of doing the Demartini Method on it you can have tears of gratitude for it when you realize that it may have been the turning point of your life. 

It’s about seeing both sides and bringing your perceptions back into balance so you can see the whole.

Running your story or dramatic narrative is not going to empower you. 

As Epictetus, the Greek philosopher said, first you blame others, then you blame yourself, and then you finally come to a deeper realization that there's nothing to blame and there's a hidden order in your life. 

If you can take whatever happens in your life and find out how it's helping you fulfill what's most meaningful to you, you have no reason to say anything but thank you. 

That’s where the Demartini Method and the Breakthrough Experience comes in, when I help you ask questions to make you cognizant of things you're unconscious of. In that way, you can become fully conscious and liberate yourself from the baggage and bondage of lopsided perceptions which occupy space and time in your mind and run your life. 

Everything you in infatuate or resent reverberates in your mind as noise, runs you, causes entropy in the body, and breaks you down. 

I am certain that most illnesses are autonomically initiated epigenetic expressions, which are a result of misperceptions and imbalances of perception and false moral hypocrisy labels that you pose on yourself, people or events. 

Once you ask the right questions and become more fully conscious and balance those events, you become liberated, and realize there was a hidden order in your apparent chaos. 

Helping people find the hidden order in the chaos and the magnificence of their life is what inspires me. It’s my path of meaning and inspiration. 

Everything is a feedback mechanism to guide you to your most authentic self, your essential self, your soul (if you want to use the theological language for it) or executive center (if you want to use the neurological term for it).

They all work as far as I'm concerned. I can go in and out of philosophical, theological, scientific, psychological languages for the same thing, but it's all inspirational. 

Giving yourself permission to see that it’s all part of an inspirational path is a very liberating state, and knowing how to ask the questions to wake that up is extremely powerful. 

I've been doing it for many years. I've taught the Breakthrough Experience 1162 times in many countries around the world to many thousands of people. I'm absolutely certain it can make a difference in your life and help you be inspired and grateful and have a deeply meaningful experience. 

There's nothing in your life that you can't turn into an inspiring and gratitude generating experience if you know how to ask the right questions. 

To sum up

I don’t personally believe that being inspired has to fit only in a stereotypical box, but instead, that a your unique path of inspiration comes from empowering any or all of the seven areas of your life.

Every human being has a unique set of values. Whatever’s your highest value that inspires you, as far as I’m concerned, could be your path if inspired action or what some have termed your spiritual path.

It is wise to avoid placing your idea of spirituality into a rigid box because that judgment can block your heart and keep you from being inspired by what’s deeply meaningful to you.

Each event in our life is part of our spiritual journey and that it is wise not to let some possible narrow-minded dogmatic definition of religion and spirituality become a stumbling block with its accompanying lopsided perceptions, absolutes, and polarized moral hypocrisies block you from being inspired by what you would love to be, do or have.

Give yourself permission to look at the bigger picture, at the whole, where you are fully conscious and aware of both the upsides and the downsides of every person, circumstance and event. All pairs of opposites play together to show the hidden order in life. 


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