Dr John Demartini - Human Behavior Expert

Free Masterclasses on Personal Development

Dr John Demartini's FREE online courses go deep into the topic and provide
practical tips and tools to assist you to master and love your life.

The Demartini Method: A Revolutionary New Tool in Modern Psychology

The Demartini Method: A Revolutionary New Tool in Modern Psychology

Human behavior specialist Dr John Demartini and therapist Lisa Dion introduce you to a powerful process that anyone can follow step by step to get profound results for their clients or themselves every time.

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Design Your Inspired Life

Design Your Inspired Life

If you don't fill your day with very high priority actions that inspire you, your day fills up with low priority distractions that don't. Discover how to take command of your time, take command of your life, and start living by design, not by duty.

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Breaking Through Procrastination

Breaking Through Procrastination

If procrastination is holding you back from achieving your goals and living your life to the fullest, this class will shift your entire perspective on procrastination.

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Use The Law of Attraction

Use The Law of Attraction

Learn how to tap into your creative power and tune into your innate ability to manifest what you truly desire.

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Find Meaning and Purpose

Find Meaning and Purpose

Learn how to get clear on what you want to dedicate your life to doing and use the clarity of purpose to empower all 7 areas of your life.

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Discover The Hidden Order

Discover The Hidden Order

If you’d love to go on a deep philosophical journey looking at metaphsyics and meaning, this masterclass will bring you to tears of gratitude for the magnificence of life.

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How to Be Financially Fulfilled

How to Be Financially Fulfilled

Doing what you love is not mutually exclusive to building wealth. Learn how you can do both so that you can be truly fulfilled and rewarded in life.

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Looking for more information? Contact us.

The Demartini Institute has offices in Houston Texas USA and in Fourways South Africa as well as representatives in Australia and New Zealand. The Demartini Institute partners with hosts in the UK, France, Italy and Ireland. For more information or to host Dr Demartini contact the office in SA or USA.

Are you a coach?

If you're a coach, therapist, business consultant, healthcare practitioner, holistic healer, or anyone in the profession of helping people clear their emotional baggage then start here.

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