relationship mastery

Life Skills for Powerful Communication,
Connection and Influence

Learning the skills of communication, connection and relationship building is one of the most rewarding life skills to master. Here’s your opportunity to attend Dr Demartini’s Relationship Mastery, 2-day online seminar.

One ticket gives one access pass per household.

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Because the quality of your relationships is important to you

Almost every aspect of your life involves interacting in relationships with others



Your ability to build relationships shapes the quality of your interactions with colleagues, staff, and managers, opening doors to greater opportunities with clients and driving professional growth



Developing communication skills empowers you to create lasting connections, build friendships, and expand your social network, enhancing your social well-being



Strengthening interpersonal skills helps you navigate complex family dynamics, deepening understanding and connection with your partner, children, and extended family


Learning the skills of communication, connection and relationship building is one of the most rewarding life skills to master - in fact, it’s essential

Participate in theoretical and practical applications where you’ll learn how to:

  • Identify the unique hierarchy of values in self or other
  • Link values to increase connection and intimacy
  • Communicate in terms of another individual’s highest values
  • Establish sustainable fair exchange
  • Transform careless and careful to caring dynamics
  • Identify the transformation of forms in your relationships
  • Recognize patterns interfering with the quality of your relationships
  • Use the Demartini Method to dissolve emotional charges and baggage and clear wounds from previous relationships
  • Create deeper appreciation and build lasting relationships
rewarding life skills

The program liberated me from emotional baggage from previous relationships of which I was barely aware, and revealed and dissolved unrealised blocks I held in attracting and creating new relationships. I highly recommend this program not just for intimate relationships, but relationships with children, family, friends, employees/employers and colleagues.

Belle Stone Consultant and Business Owner

Do not hesitate to take part in this program. Not just once but as many times as it becomes available. Like all of John's teachings, it is a no bull, no fairy tale jargon but rather a solid method in helping you dissolve your fears and fantasies both for yourself and for your loved ones.

Sohial Farzam Health Practitioner and Consultant

I’ve dissolved the fantasies and nightmares and deep gratitude for these 6 people this weekend. Also dissolved "racism" and "sexism" along the way. I’ve got a better understanding of my family, friends, specialists and patients. I’m ready to love them as they are from now on. No longer have the need to "fix" anyone I meet in life.

Vivien Hsu Consultant

I have gained so so so much! Wow! I’m truly transformed just by what we did today and by all the shares, questions, vulnerabilities and exercises! Thank you Thank you Thank you. I’m very grateful I followed my heart and chose to join.

Susan Gruen Coach/Facilitator/Play therapy provider

I got so much out of the program. The Relationship Mastery course is so powerful and focused that I can’t help but enhance my relationship with myself and my partner.

Coralyn Wall Relationship consultant

In my perceptions this is a great class, building meaningful/inspiring relationships is now my second highest value, maybe I am bias, however, I truly perceive it was well put together and present, perhaps the class I have been present the most, please consider teaching more often, I have been sharing with some individuals who are very interested on talking this class. Thank you for the journey and continue support/challenge of my individual growth

Elena Ruiz United Payroll and HR Services

This program really helped me understand relationship dynamics on a WHOLE new level. I feel more balanced and grateful for my husband and less of a desire to CHANGE him. I highly recommend this for any relationship no matter where you’re at.

Mel Krug Chiropractor and Coach

Create Fulfilling Family, Romantic, Social and Work Relationships

  • Masterful communication based on values, leaving those you engage with with a perception that they’re benefiting from your interactions with them, while you also feel you’re winning too
  • Manging your emotions so you’re not reacting, without governance and saying things you later wish you’d worded differently
  • Feeling valued in any interaction and ensuring that the people you’re interacting with feel equally valued by you
  • Getting what you want by helping others get what they want - this is applicable in sales and negotiations including inspiring your kids to intrinsically take action on the goals you’ve both agreed wise for them to pursue
  • Not intimidated by anyone, opening the door to relationships with anyone which clearly has advantages when seeking a partner, or a business relationship or in client acquisition
  • Influencing people in your personal and professional interactions so you’re able to impact the world with your inspired goals and dreams
  • Deepen your intimacy with your partner and open both your hearts to unconditional love
  • Take any conflict situation and turn it into an opportunity for growth and gratitude

Book Your Ticket
Payment plans available


Select Your Live Seminar For Relationship Mastery

1,999 USD
1,074 USD
925 USD

Learn from human behavior specialist Dr John Demartini

Dr John Demartini is the creator of the Demartini Method, a human behavior specialist, a polymath, philosopher, international speaker and best-selling author. His work is a summation of over 264 disciplines synthesized from the greatest philosophical, economic and scientific minds.

His curriculum consists of personal development and professional training programs. His personal development curriculum shares information and knowledge summated from over 5 decades of intensive research into human behavior, universal laws, and everything that relates to maximizing human awareness and potential. Thus giving you access to step by step processes that enable you to transform challenges and emotions in hours instead of days, weeks, or years.


Frequently Asked Questions

Who presents Relationship Mastery?

Who is this workshop for?

What are the workshop times?

Will there be a replay?

Do you recommend attending as a couple, family or group?

Will I be able to ask questions?

What is the format of this workshop?

Logging into the online workshop on the day?

Are there any workshop materials?

What is the recommended age to attend?

How often does Dr Demartini present Relationship Mastery?

Can I set up a payment plan?

What is the investment to attend this workshop?

I’d like to speak to someone about this workshop to find out more?


Book your ticket today

Because the quality of your relationships is important to you

Looking for more information? Contact us.

The Demartini Institute has offices in Houston Texas USA and in Fourways South Africa as well as representatives in Australia and New Zealand. The Demartini Institute partners with hosts in the UK, France, Italy and Ireland. For more information or to host Dr Demartini contact the office in SA or USA.

Are you a coach?

If you're a coach, therapist, business consultant, healthcare practitioner, holistic healer, or anyone in the profession of helping people clear their emotional baggage then start here.

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