An incredibly powerful presentation that you want to make sure you listen to before you start your journey to financial empowerment. These are the 10 essential steps that need to be in place to ensure your financial freedom.
Dr Demartini's Online Courses
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An incredibly powerful presentation that you want to make sure you listen to before you start your journey to financial empowerment. These are the 10 essential steps that need to be in place to ensure your financial freedom.
Are you challenged by some sort of addiction? It could be alcohol, drugs, sex, food, etc.? Or do you know someone that you care about that is challenged by some form of addiction? In this module Dr Demartini presents a powerful and transformative series of steps that will guide you or your loved ones through a process of dissolving any form of addiction.
An online gem based on my best selling book, The Values Factor where I share exercises to help you realize your highest values and set your goals accordingly as well as discover how to create and sustain your own extraordinary life.
Discover practical steps to build wealth from insights from the book of wealth to the 6 most powerful steps to empower and inspire your life.
Anxiety and panic attacks is a form of fear or phobia, where we assume that we are about to experience through our senses or imagination in the future, more pains than pleasures. Dr. John Demartini shares his expert strategy to deal with anxiety through balancing and neutralizing your perceptions.
If you have experienced the loss of a loved one, a business, money or anything else, then this course will help you to solve the grief over this perceived loss. Dr John Demartini shares his cutting edge methodology on solving grief and how to bring back poise, presence and certainty into your life.
An introduction to Dr Demartini's revolutionary scientific process, the Demartini Method, that enables you to govern your own mind and thereby govern your life.
Master Certified Demartini Method Facilitator Ilze Alberts provides insightful tips on developing your facilitation practice as a Demartini Method Facilitator.
The Demartini Institute has offices in Houston Texas USA and in Fourways South Africa as well as representatives in Australia and New Zealand. The Demartini Institute partners with hosts in the UK, France, Italy and Ireland. For more information or to host Dr Demartini contact the office in SA or USA.
If you're a coach, therapist, business consultant, healthcare practitioner, holistic healer, or anyone in the profession of helping people clear their emotional baggage then start here.
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