Lisa Dion
Master Demartini Method Facilitator
- Demartini Method Training Program
- Empyreance 1
- Empyreance IX - The Mysteries of Hermes the Divine
- Empyreance VII
- Empyreance X – The Universe
- Online - Advanced Demartini Method Training: Dissolve Emotionally Charged Sexual Experiences
- Online - Advanced Demartini Method Training: Integrating Memory and Imagination into the Power of Presence
- Online - Advanced Demartini Method Training: Transforming Victim Causality into a Masterful State of Acausal Love
- Online - Advanced Demartini Method Training: Observe Dr Demartini Facilitating
- Online - Demartini Addiction Resolution Training
- Online - Demartini Method Level II Training
- Online - Demartini Method Practical
- Online - Demartini Method Training Program
- Online - Empyreance IV
- Online - Empyreance VIII
- Online - Empyreance XII
- Online - Empyreance XIII
- Online - Facilitator Business Accelerator Master Class
- Online - Owning The Traits of the Greats
- Online - Synchronicity
- Online - The Anima: The Philosophical Questioning of the Essence and Existence of the Soul
- Online - The Breakthrough Experience
- Online - The Philosophers of Wisdom
- Online -The Essence of Healing
- The Breakthrough Experience
- The Science Of Getting What You Want
- The Significance of Gratitude for Great Achievement
Most of us battle the “should’s” in our heads, trying to conform our lives to the fantasies about who we think we “should” be. Yet striving to live a life based on the beliefs of others increases stress, anxiety and depression. Sometimes it is hard to hear that inner voice that tells us that we are on-track, perfect just the way we are, and that we are not alone.
"When the voice and the vision on the inside become louder than the opinions on the outside, then you have mastered your life" – Dr. John Demartini
When I first heard Dr Demartini’s quote years ago, I was battling depression and questioning myself as a mother, wife, daughter, and clinician. I was trying to please everyone around me and putting everyone’s needs before mine. I had also been diagnosed with a severe case of adrenal fatigue. I made a decision that “enough was enough.” It was time for me to figure out who I was, not who everyone thought I “should” be. I found direction and I went to work studying John’s methodologies and applying the Demartini Method to my life. I took a good honest look in the mirror, delving deeply into my own psyche and I began to deconstruct my “stories.” The result was almost immediate- my diagnosis was gone within months and in its place was a strong sense of purpose and a clear vision for my life.