Donna Cohen
Master Demartini Method Facilitator
- Demartini Method Training Program
- Empyreance 1
- Empyreance IX - The Mysteries of Hermes the Divine
- Empyreance X – The Universe
- How To Bounce Back From Life's Hard Knocks
- Increase Your Deserve Level
- Live Webinar: Advanced Demartini Method Facilitator Training Session
- Online - Advanced Demartini Method Training: Dissolve Emotionally Charged Sexual Experiences
- Online - Advanced Demartini Method Training: Broadening the Clinical Application of Side C and Applying the Conservation Law Through Time
- Online - Advanced Demartini Method Training: Integrating Memory and Imagination into the Power of Presence
- Online - Advanced Demartini Method Training: The Biochemistry and Neurophysiology of the Open Heart
- Online - Advanced Demartini Method Training: The Cellular Impact of Your Perceptions
- Online - Advanced Demartini Method Training: The Demartini Method and The Fabric of Spacetime
- Online - Advanced Demartini Method Training: The Executive Center - The Powerhouse of Achievement
- Online - Advanced Demartini Method Training: The Neurology of the Conscious, Unconscious, Subconscious and Superconscious Minds
- Online - Advanced Demartini Method Training: The Power of Certainty When Facilitating the Demartini Method
- Online - Advanced Demartini Method Training: Transforming Victim Causality into a Masterful State of Acausal Love
- Online - Advanced Demartini Method Training: Understanding and Transcending the Amygdala
- Online - Advanced Demartini Method Training: Dr Demartini on Death and Dying
- Online - Advanced Demartini Method Training: Observe Dr Demartini Facilitating
- Online - Advanced Demartini Method Training: The Fear, Anxiety and Panic Spectrum
- Online - Advanced Demartini Method Training: Understanding the Demartini Method from the perspective of Neuroscience
- Online - Advanced Demartini Method Training: Working The Mind Body Connection Using the Demartini Method
- Online - Breakthrough Integration Session
- Online - Demartini Addiction Resolution Training
- Online - Demartini Method Level II Training
- Online - Demartini Method Training Program
- Online - Empyreance IV
- Online - Empyreance VIII
- Online - Empyreance XII
- Online - Empyreance XIII
- Online - Synchronicity
- Online - The Anima: The Philosophical Questioning of the Essence and Existence of the Soul
- Online - The Breakthrough Experience
- Online - The Philosophers of Wisdom
- Online -The Demartini Values Training Program
- Prophecy II Experience
- The 5 Secrets to Great Success
- The Breakthrough Experience
- The Demartini Values Training Program
- You're Not Here to Fit In. You're Here to Stand Out!
As the Master Certified Demartini Method Facilitator with over 19 years experience, within the Demartini Institute, you will find her no nonsense approach part of her unique application of the work. She is also a Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist, Licensed Mental Health Counsellor and a National Board Certified Counselor. And she holds a Masters Degree of Science in Counselling.
Donna loves working with clients who are experiencing challenges in their relationships with themselves and others, whether it is with their partners, children or other members of their family. Her clients have said they appreciate her direct application of the Demartini Method. If you want the soft touch, Donna is not the facilitator for you.
Not only is Donna skilled because of her years of walking clients through the Demartini Method, but she has also experienced both sides of the relationship spectrum … a divorce and a long marriage. She lives in Miami with her husband who has had the pleasure and pain of being married to her for almost 30 years. She has two adult children. And Donna loves her work.
If you are experiencing relationship issues expressed in any of the areas of life (e.g. family, financial, career, etc.), work with Donna to dissolve those charges.