Clarissa Judd
Master Demartini Method Facilitator
- Empyreance X – The Universe
- Online - Demartini Method Training Program
- Online - Determine Your Values Workshop
- Online - Empyreance IV
Clarissa Judd is the global director of the Demartini Institute and has worked alongside Dr John Demartini for over 18 years.
She is a Master Demartini Method and Values Facilitator. She has studied all the available courses in the Demartini curriculum and continues to repeat many of the core programs in the curriculum annually.
Her consultations focus on the application of the key methodologies of the Demartini Method and the Values Application to assist clients in dissolving their current challenges in all 7 areas of life so they’re freed up to continue to grow and expand to the next level of their empowerment.
Clarissa has a BSc degree as well as 18 years in Business Management and Leadership.
She is in the perfect position to bring her science background, philosophy training, and business experience, including marketing, sales, and management into the mix when working with you to address your personal and professional needs.
Transform your relationships
We all want to be loved and appreciated for who we are. If you're not loving and appreciating yourself,
you'll be beating yourself up, imposing fantasies onto yourself and not honoring your unique genius and
expression. You're magnificent just the way you are, you don't need to change, despite what outer society
may tell you.
If you'd love to discover the perfection of yourself, dissolve any frustrations you may feel and love and
appreciate yourself then book a session today. As Dr Demartini beautifully says, the magnificence of who
you are FAR exceeds any fantasy you could ever impose upon yourself.
Just like you want to be loved and appreciated for who you are, the same applies to the people in your
life. If you'd love to dissolve tension, anger, frustration or any other judgement you have towards
someone in your life then book a session. It'll be a weight off your shoulders when you open your heart
with unconditional love.

Turn business challenge into opportunity
You’ll constantly have new challenges to solve in business. So whether you’re facing a business plateau,
a leadership issue, financial pressure, self-doubt or work anxiety, knowing how to process these
challenges will help you to turn them into opportunities that lead to the next step in your business
There are many different applications of the Demartini Method and the Values Application in business.
From clarifying your personal vision to expanding the vision of your company, linking values for greater
productivity, goal setting, and dealing with change, conflict, professional relationships, fear of
failure, etc.
Clear your emotions, align your life or link your daily actions to what's most important to you so you're
focused and enthused to take your inspired vision of service to the next level.
There’s Meaning to Be Found In Everything
Single sessions (2 hours) or multiple package sessions (5, 10, or 20
sessions) are conducted online via Zoom.
Packages are designed to meet your specific needs and objectives.
Below are just some of the aspects you may wish to address during one or many sessions.
Clarify Your Unique
Hierarchy of Values
Clarify what your life demonstrates is truly most important to you. Set congruent goals and live by priority. Reveal your unique genius and live your most authentic life
Balance Any
Distracting Emotion
Balance the mathematical equation of your perceptions with the Demartini Method, the revolutionary personal development tool for dissolving emotions and transforming challenges
Get Clear On Your
Vision and Mission
Get clear on what you’d love to dedicate your life to creating. The quality of your life takes on a whole new dimension when you know what’s truly most meaningful for you
Go to The Next Level of
Financial Empowerment
Dissolve psychological barriers blocking wealth, increase your deserve level and develop a wealth-building mindset so you can expand to the next level of financial mastery
Increase Your
"The magnificence of who you are, far exceeds any fantasy you could ever impose upon yourself". You deserve to love and appreciate yourself. The moment you do, everything changes
Overcome Grief,
Addictions, Fear of Dying
Using Dr Demartini’s revolutionary grief, addiction, death preparation protocols, you can dissolve any emotion, transform any behavioral pattern and truly love the life you live

Clarissa can help you go to the next level
Clarissa Judd has worked alongside me for nearly 2 decades. During this period she has become masterful in the understanding and facilitation of the Demartini Method and the Demartini Value Determination and Application processes. She’s helped countless seminar attendees and clients transform both their personal and professional challenges. I am confident that as a Master Facilitator, Clarissa can help you go to the next level in whatever area of life you would love to empower and intend to master.
Dr John Demartini
Originator of the Demartini Method and the Founder of the Demartini Instituteor the Demartini Addiction Resolution Training but unable to attend the beforehand.
Breakthrough Intensive
Only available for students registered for the Demartini Method Training Program but unable to attend the Breakthrough Experience before the training program date. This session is 2 to 3 hours and designed to take you through Side ABC of the Demartini Method so that you can experience the moment of integration at the point of balancing the mathematical equation of your perception on each column. This ensures that by the time you attend the Demartini Method Training Program that you’ve had the full experience of the Demartini Method.

Values Intensive
Only available for students registered for the Demartini Addiction Resolution Training but unable to attend the Demartini Values Training Program before the training program date. This session is 2 to 3 hours and designed to take you through the formation of voids, the value of values, a thorough run through of the Demartini Value Determination Process, linking values, raising and lowering values. This session will ensure that by the time you attend the Demartini Addiction Resolution Training that you’ve had the experience of the relevant values applications required for the Demartini Addiction Resolution Protocol.

Navigate Your Journey to Pregnancy
Having navigated the fertility path for 3 years before having my first baby, and now blessed with 3 children, I’d love to guide you through the same processes that I used so you can clear out any psychological blocks in the way of your falling pregnant and maintaining your pregnancy to term.
If you're trying to fall pregnant and it's taking longer than you'd anticipated, then managing your emotions will make all the difference in your ability to remain centered, poised and grateful along the path.
- Identify and clear out the psychological blocks that could be blocking your ability to fall pregnant and carry to full-term
- Ensure that your emotions don't distract you from staying focused on your goal
- Ensure that your emotions don't impact the quality of your relationship with your partner
- Transform feelings of depression, frustration, and futility
- Ensure that you're adaptable and resilient no matter the perceived ups and downs of the path to falling pregnant
- Find the many blessings along the journey