Adrienne Guliver
Master Demartini Method Facilitator
- Demartini Method Training Program
- Empyreance 1
- Empyreance II
- Empyreance VI
- Empyreance VII
- Empyreance X – The Universe
- Make the Most of Your Life
- Master Planning for Life
- Online - Advanced Demartini Method Training: Dissolve Emotionally Charged Sexual Experiences
- Online - Advanced Demartini Method Training: Integrating Memory and Imagination into the Power of Presence
- Online - Advanced Demartini Method Training: The Cellular Impact of Your Perceptions
- Online - Advanced Demartini Method Training: The Executive Center - The Powerhouse of Achievement
- Online - Advanced Demartini Method Training: Transforming Victim Causality into a Masterful State of Acausal Love
- Online - Advanced Demartini Method Training: Understanding and Transcending the Amygdala
- Online - Advanced Demartini Method Training: Dr Demartini on Death and Dying
- Online - Advanced Demartini Method Training: Observe Dr Demartini Facilitating
- Online - Authenticity
- Online - Breakthrough Integration Session
- Online - Demartini Method Level II Training
- Online - Demartini Method Training Program
- Online - Empyreance IV
- Online - Empyreance VIII
- Online - Empyreance XII
- Online - Empyreance XIII
- Online - Facilitator Business Accelerator Master Class
- Online - Prophecy I Experience
- Online - Prophecy II Experience
- Online - Synchronicity
- Online - The Anima: The Philosophical Questioning of the Essence and Existence of the Soul
- Online - The Breakthrough Experience
- Online - The Philosophers of Wisdom
- Prophecy I Experience
- The Breakthrough Experience
- The Values Empowerment Factor
- Your Thoughts Determine Your Destiny
Adrienne is a Mind-Body Consultant and Master Demartini Method Facilitator. There is a correlation and synchronicity between the Mind & Body that is reflected in; health, wealth, relationships, work, and family. The quickest and most effective pathway of opening your awareness is through an inquiring mind via quality questions.
It is what we are not aware of that creates the build-up of our emotional responses in one, or many areas of our life. This build-up results in confusion, disorder, and a lack of clarity on the path through.
Examine what you believe you can see, and what you cannot see via a Discovery Session with Adrienne.
Discover more of yourself and your exponential purpose together with Adrienne.