Profound answers to your insatiable
curiosity about the essence of existence
A spiritual awakening, a mystical experience. From ancient and modern cosmology, to the world’s greatest
philosophies, religions, sciences and arts, integrated into the big picture of our magnificent universe.
Prerequisite: Only for graduates of the Prophecy I Experience
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Because when you see the order, your life is changed forever
Step 1
Register for the online 10-day Empyreance 1 seminar
Step 2
Explore ancient to modern sciences, religions, and philosophies of the world
Step 3
Stand in awe of the magnificence of the universe and your essential role within it
Get ready for an accelerated exploration of the vast interconnectedness of the universe
Empyreance I: a unique advanced program for the dedicated seeker of truth
Save years of research time gathering and synthesizing the wisdom of the ages
Scientific, philosophical and theological insights into over 200 ologies from the micro to the
Complex scientific knowledge from the greatest minds made simple
Integrated vast bodies of knowledge into one comprehensive overview
Gain an unshakable certainty of the universal connectedness of all aspects of life
Wisdom extracted and deciphered from ancient philosophers and theologians
Embark on a quest to understand the source of life itself

what you’LL learn
A deep exploration into the sciences, religions, and
philosophies of the world.
The greatest ideas from the greatest minds who have ever lived.
Morals and Ethics, “Good” and “Evil” – “Right” and “Wrong”, Peace and War, Equilibrium, Pain and Pleasure, Opposites, Virtue, Fame, Faith, Love, Beauty, Wholeness, Truth, Foolishness – Folly, Masters, Wisdom, Liberation, Initiates, Sacred Initiation Rites, Path, Silence – Secrets, Inspirational Writings, Art, Spirals, Mandala, Sound, Music, Mantra, Poetry, Receiving and Broadcasting, Actuality – Reality, Concentration – Meditation, Prayer, Breathing, Yoga, Light and Sound, Chakras, Magnetism, Magnetic Healing, Magnetic Personality, Magnetic Holy Water, Magnetic Physiognomy, Magnetism Graphology, Nature as Teacher, Mysticism, Seven Principles of Man, Soul - Soul-Seed - Twin Rays, Tree of Life, Higher Mind, Prophecy, Free Will, Powers, Life Spark, Astral Body, Aura, Lower Mind, Kundalini, Dreams, Immortality, Life – Death, Death Rituals, Atheism – Theism, God, Satan, Alpha – Omega, Cause – Effect, Creation, Sacred World Language (Vowels of Creation), Pure Crystal Universe, Akasha, Aether – Astral Light – Electricity, Astral Realms, Axis Mundi – Pole, Hierarchy of Creators, Question, Belief, Father – Mother, Spirit – Matter, IAO, Attraction – Repulsion, Higher – Lower, Hierarchy, Ascending – Descending, Creators – Destroyers, Logoi, Thought – Sensed, Spirit – Matter, Devas, Co-fashioners, Angels Good – Evil Demons, Peace – War, Disobedient Angels, Sons of God –Daughters of Man, Above Reflects Below, Angelology, ideas and Belief In, Angel Formation, Angels as Gods, Innocent Descending, Ascending – Descending, Functions, Guides, Ranks - Grades –Classes, Seraphim, Four Cardinal Directions, Languages – Ranks, Light – Shadow, Angels – Life, Death – Devils, Constructive –Destructive Angels, Male – Female, Angels as Birds, Evolution, Mathematics, Chemistry, Physics, Astronomy, Universe, Dark Matter, Galaxies, Binary Stars – Trinary Stars, Divine Interstellar Space, Stars, Pulsars, Black Holes, Cosmic Rays, Neutrinos, Interstellar Molecules, Sun, Solar Oscillation, Solar Constant, Solar Corona, Sunspots, Solar Rotation, Solar Radiation Intensity, Solar Spectral Class, Solar System Materials, Planetary Formation, Planetary Orbits, Planetary Distance, Planetary Masses, Periods, Velocities and Dimensions, Planetary Atmospheric Gasses, Planetary Biogenesis, Asteroid Orbits, Comets, Meteorites, Moon, Moon Tidal Influences, Moon Eclipses, Gravity, Electromagnetic Fields, Charged Particle Aurora, Celestial Sphere, Precession, Astrology, Zodiac, First Quarter, Second Quarter, Third Quarter, Fourth Quarter, Sun Fire, Talisman, Geology, Elements, Rounds, Ancient Astronomical Time Tables, Seven Pole Stars - Seven Rays – Seven Elements, Root Races, Archeology, Mythology, Religion, Hinduism, Norse – Scandinavian Legends, Druids, Egyptians – Egyptian Book of the Dead, South Americans, Mexican –Olmec, Mexican – Aztec – Maya, China, Buddhism, Confucius, Taoism, Tantra, Tibetan Lamaism - Bardo Thardo – Book of the Dead, Zoroasterism - Mithraic - Mazdaen (Zend Avesta), Greek Mysteries, Bahia - Book of the Seven valleys, Chaldean Tablets, Jewish Kabalah, Kebra Negast – Legend Solomon – Sheba, Islamic Mohammed, Judeo-Christian, Bible - Old Testament, Genesis – Waters, Male – Female, Yahweh, Noah Arkite Mysteries, Moses Crossing the Waters, Psalms – Isaiah – Ecclesiastes, Bible – New Testament – Christ, Sacred Marriage, Virgin Birth, Mortal –Immortal, As the Sun, John the Baptist, Baptism, Words of Power, Teachings, Miracles, Festivals, Eucharist, Crucifixion, Resurrection, Easter, Second Coming, Assumption, Christ Consciousness, Christian Church, Bible – Inter-Testament, Early Church History, Gospels, Book of Revelation, Pistis Sophia, Epistle of Barnabas, Alchemy, Symbols – Symbology, Magic, Temple of Wisdom Exercises, Fasting, Alms, Charity, Gratitude, Higher Minds – Lower Minds, Light, Praise.
The perennial wisdom of the ages and much more.
No stone nor question will be left unturned.
Because there’s a magnificent order
waiting to be
Past attendees have called Empyreance I;
“the greatest story ever told”, “the cliff notes of creation”,
“the greatest teachings of our times.”
Frequently Asked Questions
Who presents the Empyreance I Seminar?
Who is this seminar for?
What are the seminar times?
Will there be a replay?
Will I be able to ask questions?
What is the format of the seminar?
How do I log onto the online seminar on the day?
Are there any course materials?
Can I set up a payment plan?
What is the investment to attend this seminar?
I’d like to speak to someone about this seminar to find out more?
The hidden principle behind all phenomena remains unseen and unknown. It is sensed by the few in whom the spirit struggles for release from its bonds. Only the initiate knows it. But how can the initiate explain this divine wisdom except to kindred spirits.Dr john demartini Book your ticket today →
Because there’s a magnificent order waiting to be revealed