The Manifestation Formula Behind The Law of Attraction

DR JOHN DEMARTINI   -   Updated 3 years ago

Dr John Demartini uses a 13 step manifestation process to achieve his goals and dreams.

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DR JOHN DEMARTINI - Updated 3 years ago


Discover Dr John Demartini’s 13-step manifestation formula to learn how to achieve what you would love to create in life!

I’ve been using a 13-step manifestation formula for over 48 years now – a process that was inspired by my time with Paul C Bragg when I was 17 years old.

Since then, I have researched, written about and taught this formula to tens of thousands of people around the world. I’m certain that this 13-step formula holds the key to the Law of Attraction and that, when followed, gives you the power to more powerfully and effectively manifest what you’d love.





Every human being has a unique and evolving set of priorities or hierarchy of values.

Your top priorities or values are the things that are most important down to least important in your life. Whatever is highest on that list - your most important value – will underlie and drive your purpose or mission.

In my case, my highest value is teaching. It’s what I love doing and what I’m spontaneously inspired from within to do.

Whatever is highest on your list of values underlies your purpose – an expression of what you value most, the most fulfilling objective you feel "called" to do, and what you feel spontaneously inspired to contribute.

In this highest value directed area, you’ll tend to excel the most, have the highest achievements, and have the greatest and clearest intentions.

If you’re uncertain about your highest value, I’d love for you to go through my  FREE Value Determination process on my website to help you identify and clarify what your life demonstrates is most important and valuable to you.

Please take the time to do this introspective step with honesty and integrity so you can identify what’s most important to you instead of what you think it 'should be', 'ought to be', 'supposed to be', 'got to be', 'have to be', and 'must be'.

Do it once. Then do it again in a week. Then do it repeatedly monthly until you feel certain and have a tear of gratitude when you see what your life already truly demonstrates is important to you and what you’re already committed to. and that your life shows you are dedicated to.

If you require motivation from the outside to do what you say is important to you, I am certain that it is not truly as important to you as you may imagine.

TAKEAWAY POINT: Step one of the 13-step manifestation formula is identifying what is truly the primary aim or objective that you feel is your purpose, your contribution, or your mission in the world. It may be raising a family, a social cause, a business, building wealth, keeping fit, or a spiritual quest or a composite made out of more than one area. Whatever your life truly demonstrates is most meaningful to you



Once you identify your highest value or purpose, you will not be able to avoid thinking about it. It spontaneously emerges from within your mind.

Your innermost dominant thought becomes your outermost tangible reality because what you think about you tend to keep in your awareness, take action on, and make decisions more efficiently.

Your dominant thought is an expression of what you value most. My highest value is teaching, and it is certainly what I think about every night and every morning when I get up out of bed.

So, whatever it is that is most important to you, you will automatically dominate your thought on it and filter your reality accordingly.

If your highest value is raising children, you’ll likely see items relating to children when you walk around a mall. Someone who values fitness will tend not to notice children's items but is likely to see products relating to sports or fitness.

In other words, you’ll notice and filter your reality according to what you value most and automatically think about it the most.

TAKEAWAY POINT: Your highest value will automatically determine what you think about the most. Because you dominate your thoughts on your highest value, in this area, you increase the probability of having a momentum-building achievement path.



An old proverb says, "Those with a vision flourish; those without a vision perish."

If you set a goal aligned with your highest values that you then dominate your thought on, you will automatically see it or visualize it in your mind's eye.

The executive center of the medial prefrontal cortex of your brain is involved in inspired vision, and it is neurologically linked to your visual associative centers in your occipital cortex, which allows you to more effectively envision and strategically plan out the fulfillment of your mission and how to navigate through any obstacle.

So, when you have a purpose, and you dominate your thought on it and see it in your mind's eye and focus on ever finer detail, you’re most likely to manifest it.

TAKEAWAY POINT: If you take the time to create a visual image of what you would love, you increase the probability of achieving what you would most love to manifest in your life.



When you have that clarity on your purpose or mission and can articulate it fluently and clearly, you affirm it in your mind.

The earlier meaning definition of affirmation means "to make FIRM in one's mind". The only thing that is likely to be "firm in your mind" is something that you are truly committed to, the thing that wakes up the executive center in your brain so you can visualize it clearly in your mind's eye.

Certainly does not come from the lower amygdala area of your brain or your lower values. Instead, certainty comes from knowing what is truly meaningful to you, thinking about it strategically, seeing it clearly in your mind's eye, and articulating what you would love to create in detail.

Any detail you are unable to articulate fluently is something that is unclear in your mind. So, a sign you have a clear vision and that you are inwardly dominating your thought on it is that you can articulate it fluently.

When you can articulate it fluently and clearly, somebody else can also see it as you speak it.

When I was speaking in Australia a decade ago, I shared a story with the audience about the night I met Paul C. Bragg. A gentleman, Andrew Tischler, later came to speak with me and said, "Dr. Demartini, your story inspired me. I am an artist and painter, and I would love to be able to paint what you just described." My vision was so clear in my mind that I could articulate it clearly to others, who could then see it too.

TAKEAWAY POINT: A sign you have a clear vision, that you are dominating your thought on it, and that it is clearly a mission for you is that you can articulate it fluently.



Once you have gone through steps 1 – 4 above, you’ll likely experience a different set of feelings. Instead of the polarized emotional feelings like joy, sorrow, happiness, sadness, elation, depression, infatuation, and resentment, you are likely to have what I call "synthesized feelings" or "transcendent feelings". These include grace, love, inspiration, enthusiasm, certainty, and presence.

These six transcendent feelings are confirmations that you are authentic and living congruently with what you value most:

  • Your identity revolves around your highest value.
  • Your ontological identity is an expression of your highest value.
  • Your teleological purpose is an expression of your highest value.
  • Your epistemological desire to learn is in your highest value.

You also automatically absorb, retain and apply information according to what you value most, which is why you tend to have the highest degree of achievement in that area. It is also where you are likely to be the most disciplined, reliable and focused.

TAKEAWAY POINT: If you identify your highest value, dominate your thought on it, visualize it, can articulate and affirm it, and feel inspired by it, you are likely to be on track to manifesting it.  Transcendent feelings of gratitude, love, inspiration, enthusiasm, certainty, and presence are all signs of authenticity and living congruently.



When you are in this congruent and authentic state, you’re likely to spontaneously want to write it down to capture it.

I am certain that you have had moments when you have been so inspired by something that you’ve said, "I would love to write that down, so I don't lose that idea."

So the next three steps are to WRITE it down in SPACE and in TIME. In other words:

  • Where would you love to create it?
  • When would you love to create it?

When you have clarity around your vision and can articulate it, you tend to create a space and time strategy in your mind. That is the beauty of the executive center - it can articulate to you and design for you. So in that way, it is also the design center of the brain.

I often say that people who live by design go farther than people who live by duty.

People who conform and subordinate to other people's values are not the people who are the visionary leaders that go on to do extraordinary things.

They are highly unlikely to be manifestors as they tend to be the ones who wait to see what happens instead of making things happen.

Suppose you are truly committed to doing something. In that case, you will likely keep metrics on it and measure your actions and milestones relative to what you are striving for.

If the metrics don't add up, you would be wise to relook at whether your purpose or goal is truly in line with your highest value. If it is really important to you, you will be spontaneously inspired from within to act on it without needing external or extrinsic motivation.

TAKEAWAY POINT: External motivation is a symptom and not a solution for achievement. Track the metrics to see if they reflect progress towards what you would love to achieve in life. If you are inspired by your vision, can articulate and write down that vision, and can put down WHEN you want to do it, and WHERE you want to do it, you are most likely to manifest it.



At this point in the process, you are likely to want to take spontaneous ACTION. That action is likely to be filled with enthusiasm and ENERGY.

I learned a long time ago that energy is infinite once you recognize the source, and that your vitality is directly proportionate to the vividness of your vision. If you would love to have more energy, it is wise to:

  • Get clear about what you are truly committed to – your highest value based purpose and mission; and
  • Focus on the service of making a difference.

If you do, your energy will most certainly increase due to the clarity of your vision.

When somebody is truly inspired and living by their highest priority - according to what they truly value most, they tend to have incredible energy, focus and discipline. Conversely, if a person is not disciplined or focused, it is likely because they are unknowingly attempting to do low priority tasks.

I don't need to be reminded to do what I love to do every day, which is teaching. I would need to be reminded if I was doing low priority things, but not what I love doing.

In the same way, you are most likely to take action and have energy when you are doing something truly inspiring and meaningful to you. When you do, you will tend to realize that the resources you need are all around you.

There is no lack of resources, but you are unlikely to see them if you are not living congruently with your highest value.

Conversely, when you do something low on your values, you tend to have a kind of attention deficit disorder, retention deficit disorder, and intention deficit order.

However, when you do something high on your values, you will have attention, retention and intention surplus order. In this way, you can see, grab and take information before then taking action on it. You will also see RESOURCES and POSSIBILITIES right in front of you.

TAKEAWAY POINT: There is synchronicity with people, places, things, ideas, and events that surface in your life that align with what you value most. You will start to be acutely aware of them and act upon them when you live congruently with your highest values.



Once you live in accordance with your highest value and take actions with energy on your surrounding material resources, your self-worth is likely to be at its highest. When your self-worth is high from living congruently with your highest values, you are most likely to feel that you deserve to manifest what you would love to achieve in your life.

True self-worth is not elevated or depressed self-esteem. True self-worth is the authentic you in the center of the two.

When you are proud and cocky, this can be associated with elevated self-esteem.

When you are shamed and depressed, this can be associated with lowered self-esteem.

However, when you are centered, authentic, living by your highest values and objectively pursuing something deeply meaningful, your self-worth will become elevated and your deserve level automatically emerges and rises.

TAKEAWAY POINT: You are likely to feel worthy of having what you dream about when you are authentic, centered and balanced.



The final step of the formula is gratitude. I believe in writing down daily what you are grateful for because if you are grateful for what you have, you will experience, receive or have more to be grateful for.

When you are grateful for what you have, your mind tends to be more resilient and adaptable, and you tend to live in a state of authenticity and grace. It is in this state that you are most likely to be the most profound and powerful you. The magnificence of who you are in this state is more profound than any fantasies you may attempt to impose on yourself.


To put the principles covered in this session into action, consider joining me for my signature program the Breakthrough Experience. This is where we learn to take the Manifestation formula and put it into practice.



If you follow the 13-step Manifestation Formula, you will increase the probability of manifesting what you would love to achieve in your life.

Please keep the following points in your mind:

  • Make sure what you would love to manifest is truly inspiring to you that there is a feeling of no turning back. In other words, something you feel that you would relentlessly pursue, where there is a feeling of no other option.
  • Why pursue something that’s not truly inspiring to you? How can you expect an inspiring life if you spend most of your time on low priority tasks that deplete you?
  • Instead, focus on pursuing the highest priority actions you can take each day. That is the key to manifesting the formula and greater fulfillment.

Purpose, plus thought, plus vision, plus internal dialogue or affirmation, firmness in your mind, plus feeling, plus writing things down in space and time, plus taking actions with energy on material resources, plus feeling deserving, plus being thankful, increases the probability of bringing about what you would love to manifest in your life.



Are you ready for the NEXT STEP?

If you’re seriously committed to your own growth, if you’re ready to make a change now and you’d love some help doing so, then book a FREE Discovery call with a member of the Demartini Team so we can take you through your mini power assessment session.

You’ll come away with a 3-step action plan and the foundation to empower your life.


Book Your TICKET for Dr Demartini's Breakthrough Experience

If you’re ready to go inwards and do the work that will clear your blockages, clarify your vision and balance your mind, then you’ve found the perfect place to start with Dr Demartini at the Breakthrough Experience.

In 2 days you’ll learn how to solve any issue you are facing, transform any emotion and reset the course of your life for greater achievement and fulfillment.

You’ll unlock your true potential and lay the groundwork to empower all 7 areas of your life.

Get ready to take your life to a whole new level of meaning and purpose.

Today is the day you step into your power and value yourself by investing in your inspired life when you sign up for Dr Demartini’s signature seminar the Breakthrough Experience:

Click HERE to book your TICKET on the Breakthrough Experience

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