secrets to financial mastery

Change your financial destiny in 2 powerful days

Online workshop with human behavior specialist, Dr John Demartini.
Learn the psychology and time-tested strategies for wealth building

Included: 3-month access to post-event recording

Book your ticket today Because you’re about to invest in a guaranteed return

Financial mastery is attained when it is:

Purposely Driven

Purposely Driven

Strategically Planned

Strategically Planned

Patiently Executed

Patiently Executed

Imagine a life free from financial stress where you’re living the abundant life you love…

  • ✓ You can see a clear strategy and plan for achieving your wealth goals
  • ✓ Your passive income exceeds your active income
  • ✓ You’re free to do what you love
  • ✓ You work because you love to not because you have to
  • ✓ Your savings and investments are expanding month on month
  • ✓ You have more money at the end of the month than month at the end of money
  • ✓ You’ve transitioned from debt management into asset building
  • ✓ You’re no longer overwhelmed by your monthly bills
financial freedom and abundance

Transform your financial future


I'm a firm believer that the purpose of financial independence is to have the freedom to do what you love and to be able to make a difference in the world while doing so.

I'm absolutely certain about the principles that I’ve learnt from the world’s wealthiest because I've applied them to my own life and it’s helped me to achieve my own financial freedom.

It's also helped thousands of my students to achieve financial mastery too.


Start Building Your Fortune

  • Where wealth building really sits on your hierarchy of values
  • How to develop a wealth building mindset
  • Dr John Demartini’s forced accelerated savings techniques
  • The proven keys to increasing profit margins
  • The power of investing at ever higher returns and compound interest effect
  • How to raise the value of wealth building and financial independence
  • Break through wealth-limiting beliefs
  • How to get handsomely paid doing what you love
  • Transform altruism into fair exchange
  • Align your financial goals with your authentic mission and vision

Dr John Demartini will guide you to invest your assets into something that serves ever greater numbers of people, raise your lifestyle and standards methodically, so your money can grow and work for you in a way where you see progress month by month.

Book your ticket today

Because you’re about to invest in your future self and wealth


If you're looking for a deep dive into the step by step actions you can take to develop financial independence, the Secrets to Financial Mastery seminar with Dr John is a MUST for you! Dr John Demartini always delivers with true heart and purpose, whilst going above and beyond to ensure everyone's questions are answered. I gained massive value from the financial strategies, investor risk appraisal tools and personalized investment planning ideas shared during the 2 day program. Excited to take the next steps on expanding my financial life with the new insights and wisdom gained.

Matthew Soltys Entrepreneur & Investor

I now have tools to take a leap from dream to reality to govern not only my financial mastery, but also to bring my cause out of the shadows and into the light of day. Thank you John, your work is profound. The most authentic workshop I’ve ever participated in!

Patricia Ramaer Coach

I got the best overview of finance I could possibly hope for. Plus I had a decisive breakthrough that got me back to wanting to build my own business. Amazing program! I now have the big picture I wanted about finance. Thank you!

Duc-Huy Huynh Freelance Animator

An unbelievable wealth of knowledge about financial mastery, money and wealth. This was a profound programme. I learned so much about money, saving, investing and practical action steps I can take to increase my net worth and my wealth. I will be applying all the knowledge gained to excel myself, my career and my wealth. Thank you so much, this course is priceless and I got knowledge at least 10 times what I paid in the course.

Cham Singh Police Officer

Dr. Demartini is a wizard. I love every program he offers. This program is packed with simple, tried and true strategies to build wealth and achieve financial freedom. I have lots of practical strategies to build my new business properly from the ground up and achieve my wealth building goals. I loved every aspect of this program and how Dr. Demartini took time to answer everyone's questions. Absolutely priceless!

Vidya Ramanathan IT, Relationship Coaching

I took your advice and wrote down 100’s of benefits of building wealth in my 3 Highest Value Areas. 100’s of benefits of saving an ever-increasing percentage of my income. 100’s of benefits of investing an ever-increasing percentage of my income. Building wealth has climbed and I am in a very different financial position because of it.

Stephen van Basten Sales and Wealth Coach

This program is a GAME CHANGER for anyone looking to gain financial mastery as well as build their wealth. Dr. Demartini covers strategies that cover the test of time that most of the culture does not talk about. I highly recommend this program!

Mel Krug Chiropractor and coach

My life has transformed in all areas of my life. I’ve learnt to appreciate and respect money and grow wealth. I feel lighter (no baggage). I have a clear vision and I truly feel unstoppable. I wish I’d been given this blessing earlier in my life.

Margot Williams Health Basket Business Owner

Learn from human
behavior specialist
Dr John Demartini

Dr John Demartini is the creator of the Demartini Method, a human behavior specialist, a polymath, philosopher, international speaker and best-selling author. His work is a summation of over 264 disciplines synthesized from the greatest philosophical, economic and scientific minds.

His curriculum consists of personal development and professional training programs. His personal development curriculum shares information and knowledge summated from over 5 decades of intensive research into human behavior, universal laws, and everything that relates to maximizing human awareness and potential. Thus giving you access to step by step processes that enable you to transform challenges and emotions in hours instead of days, weeks, or years.

Dr John Demartini

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Select Your Live Seminar For Secrets to Financial Mastery

1,499 USD
474 USD
1,025 USD

Price expires in 1 week

Frequently Asked Questions

Who presents Secrets to Financial Mastery?

Who is this workshop for?

What are the workshop times?

Will there be a replay?

Will I be able to ask questions?

What is the format of this workshop?

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Are there any workshop materials?

What is the recommended age to attend?

How often does Dr Demartini present Secrets to Financial Mastery?

Can I set up a payment plan?

What is the investment to attend this workshop?

I’d like to speak to someone about this workshop to find out more?

Do you have specific questions? Book a call

Book your ticket today

Because you’re about to invest in
your future self and wealth

Looking for more information? Contact us.

The Demartini Institute has offices in Houston Texas USA and in Fourways South Africa as well as representatives in Australia and New Zealand. The Demartini Institute partners with hosts in the UK, France, Italy and Ireland. For more information or to host Dr Demartini contact the office in SA or USA.

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If you're a coach, therapist, business consultant, healthcare practitioner, holistic healer, or anyone in the profession of helping people clear their emotional baggage then start here.

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